<<5>> ATOM--8
ATOM-8 CPU(by 富崎新(Tomisaki.A),1973) 180215g-190523g Netobi.Nao
ATOM-8 was 8 bit, minimal Neumann architecture, bit serial processing
CPU, designed by 富崎新(Tomisaki.Arata(japon)).
This was published in monthly magazine "トランジスタ技術"(Transistor
Technology) 1973/05 to 07 issue. And re-published in "つくるコンピュータ"
(Homebrew Computer) 1976 issue.
8bit/Word, 1-address
3bit-OpCode, 5bit-Address(=ProgramCounter), 1-Accumulator
32word(=Byte) main storage
Von Neumann architecture, Hard-wired bit serial processing
2-phase(Fixed)/Instruction: I-Fetch, I-Execution
Major Component(#bit):
Acc(8) : Accumulator ShiftRegister
AdderExtendUnit(1) : FullAdder and Extra function unit
MainStorage(1x8x32) : Serial R/W storage
AddrSelector(5) : Select PC xor AR for MainStorage Address
OrderReg(8) : ShiftRegister for Instruction
InstructionReg(3) : MSB 3-bit of OR
AddressReg(5) : LSB 5-bit of OR
ProgramCounter(5) :
SubProgramCounter(4) : Under PC counter for Serial process
MSB is Instruction phase(Fetch/Execute)
Other is bit serial(8) counter(virtual?)
Other: Instruction Decoder and Other control logic
0: HALT (noAddr)
1: ShiftRL4bit (noAddr)
2: Subtract : Acc = Acc - [Addr]
3: Add : Acc = Acc + [Addr]
4: Load : Acc = [Addr]
5: STore : [Addr] = Acc
6: BranchNoMinus : PC = Addr if Acc.MSB is 0
7: Reset Overflow(carry)Flag (noAddr) : unknown
Using 25 TTL-IC & 1 MOS RWM(Intel/1101A)
1973/05 issue was CPU hardware design
1973/06 issue was about General software, very little ATOM-8 software!
1973/07 issue was about Peripheral and Supplementary
Wiring diagram: I don't remember what my writing meant to blueprint!
In 1974, I made it based on this article, but I did not use it for long
Because program area was too small, even most of small program could
not be entered! Then ceased to be used.
Therefore, I planned extension to 12-16 bit/word and extension to
parallel processing. That became knowledge base of next year's EASY-4
CPU production.
And then, ATOM-8 was disassembled, and it's front panel was cut and
diverted to EASY-4 panel!
Therefore, ATOM-8 entity disappeared except CPU-Board in 1975.
I did not take ATOM-8 photo, so I created image by imagination(see
My ATOM-8 Supposed Image 2018/02h).
--- f i n ---
For reference,
This sample is Google translation of first page
(1973/05 issue) of first article on construction of
author's ATOM-8.